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The Mood Designs

The Mood Designs

(1 products)

We came to Ireland on holiday in 2006 and were so won over by the friendly people, the beauty of the landscapes and the quality of life that we decided to settle there! We have always been interested in creativity, especially crafts and music. In 2010 we decided to open a craft shop called The Mood Gallery, not only for our own designs, which were jewelry at the time, but also to welcome all like-minded artists in the area. The experience of meeting creative people, selling their products and talking to customers gave us food for thought. I always have lots of DIY ideas and different products. One day I bought a bag of clay and started playing with different shapes. I encouraged Lukasz to try building something with clay, but he wasn't interested in it for a while. Finally, after a long period of persuasion, Lukasz formed a small figure which we managed to draw and varnish. Only the trunk and arms remained intact, but they turned out quite nice, as they looked like an antique. Ceramics is not just a hobby for us, it is a way of life that we love very much. We are honored to be able to share our interpretation of Irish beauty with other craft enthusiasts and nature lovers.

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